Sunday, April 21, 2013

“Charm & Strange” by, Stephanie Kuehn

                Win is a very isolated teenager who is full of secrets. His life has not been an easy one. Win has darkness inside him and he is determined not to let it out. While attending boarding school Win is forced to remember his past, confront his present, and figure out what to do with his future.

                “Charm & Strange” is a hard book to review without giving everything away. I will say that this book is one I might have overlooked if the publisher hadn’t sent me a copy to review. I’m very glad that I didn’t miss out on this engrossing story.

Win’s journey will pull you in from the first page and you won’t be able to stop reading. The writing style is beautiful and haunting. I found emotions being pulled out of me as if I were feeling things right along with Win. This book is truly original and I have read a lot of books.

I am struggling because I want to say more but I refuse to ruin it. Just know that I loved this book and I think it has a very important subject matter. Please go out and get your copy as soon as it’s released (6/11/2013). 


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